Musa Auwal Muhammad - Shortlisted for NAFDAC Aptitude Test - Serial No: 5902

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), a Federal Government Agency, charged with the mandate of ensuring the health of the nation with a view to attracting and retaining the best in the industry in it's ongoing Recruitment Exercise 2011, has shortlisted you (Musa Auwal Muhammad) for the NAFDAC Recruitment Exercise and Aptitude Test to take place on Saturday 3rd September, 2011 at the:

Test Centre: Abuja

Test Venue: Government Secondary School Tudunwada, Wuse Zone 4, Abuja

Test Day: 3-Sep-2011

Test Time: 9:00AM

Test Batch: A

Serial Number: 5902

Candidate Number: NAFDAC/NC/HR/2011/1850

Surname: Musa

First Name: Auwal

Middle Name: Muhammad

State of Origin: Kebbi


You are requested to come with the following to your examination center

  1. Curriculum Vitae and copies of your credentials.
  2. Photocopy of page where your name appeared online.
  3. Means of Identification (National I.D, International Passport or Driver's License)
  4. 2 recent passport photographs.
  5. Writing materials (Pen, Pencil and Eraser).
  • Candidates are expected to be at their examination centers one hour before schedule time for accreditation and verification.
  • Loitering around the examination centers before your scheduled time will not be tolerated. wishes you Goodluck!