Don't miss this! New Career Opportunity (Big Data Analytics)

Posted on Wed 21st Apr, 2021 - --- (0 comments)

We are now in Second Quarter.

You deserve a better career. I am here to ensure it happens!

Have you heard of the BIG DATA and ANALYTICS FIELD? AI, Data Science, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence, Big Data Engineering and more. These are the fastest-growing fields in the modern world, and you know what's more interesting? You can now upskill from your current profession into these in-demand tech fields. Imagine the career opportunity that comes with being in a highly in-demand profession, yet there is an acute shortage of skilled individuals.

This is the future of work!

The technology-driven world in which we live in is a world filled with many opportunities and challenges. Organisations are moving at record speed to digital transformation; employers are scouting for individuals with data skill. How equipped are you with the right digital tools and technological skill-sets to drive innovations? You don't want to be left behind struggling in job domains that are already saturated. Over 80 Data Science jobs are added every hour, meaning every minute presents a new opportunity for you to get a new role if you upskill and stay market-ready.

At Pairview, we have been successfully training and placing candidates into the Analytics industry since 2009. We are a global partner of Microsoft, IBM, and SAS. Our industry expert trainers and consultants have supported hundreds of people to secure well-paid employment as Data and Analytics professionals with major multinational organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada and across the globe.

If this is a career path you will like to take, register to secure (Limited space available) a Free Career Consultation with our Technical Analytics Career Consultants. It is an opportunity to discuss your  educational background, previous work experience and other required information so you can be recommended a suitable Analytics Professional Programme that will take you to the market in the shortest time.

Click here to register for Free Consultation

Feel free to give us a call on +234 8165371375 to schedule the best time to speak!