How to Increase Your Interview Chances Today!

Posted on Tue 17th Aug, 2021 - --- (0 comments)


A job interview provides you with the chance to find out more about a position and impress the recruiting manager. This step is often the last stage within the hiring process, therefore it is vital to deliver an excellent initial impression and showcase why you're the right candidate for the role, especially in situations where the role you're applying to is very competitive.

The good news is, you'll considerably improve your odds of acing that interview with some preparation and a focus on what recruiters are looking out for.  In this article, we will share a number of effective interview techniques you'll be able to use to assist you to secure your dream job.

Apply Early - By sheer math (think of the number of candidates versus staff to review them), it is often nearly impossible to offer every application the eye it deserves after the primary seven days of receiving applications. The earlier you submit your application, the higher your chances it'll be reviewed properly. Leverage popular job boards, such as Hot Nigerian Jobs, to set up job alerts using keywords that match what you’re looking for. Have your CV / résumé and cover letter ready to go, then personalize it based on the job description and organization.

Dress  Appropriately - Dressing appropriately, is one important technique to ace an interview. Make sure on that day you look your best. In some instances, the interviewer might request you to dress in a particular attire, so be careful to take note. Come to the interview venue looking smart with clean clothing. Remember, you will be addressed the way you're dressed!

Review Your Own Resume / CV - As part of your interview preparation process, take an in-depth look at your resume. You might think you have a firm grasp of what's in your employment history, think again! It might interest you to know that a quick refresher and a reminder of all you've accomplished that relates to the role you're applying for and is worth mentioning to the recruiting manager, so take out time to review your resume / CV and make sure that whatever response you give matches up with what you have listed in your resume / CV.

How to stand out from the crowd in an interview | by Masoodmoazma | Medium

Practice Common Interview Questions - Practice your answers to some of the most common interview questions you can lay hands-on, so you're well prepared when the interviewer asks you questions. This will not only give you confidence during the interview, but will also help you feel more comfortable throughout the interview. Request a close friend or family member to go over some interview questions with you, let them play the role of interviewer.

Review the Job Description - Make sure to carefully go through the job description before your interview day. Pay close attention to the most important part of the responsibilities list and see if there are any words or attributes that the listing mentions several times. If so, do well to use these same words during your interview to show how your qualification(s) for the position and help the recruiting officer envision you in the role.

Prepare Questions to be Asked - At the end of the interview, your interviewer will probably ask if you have any questions for them, but if they don't, make sure you prepare one for them even if there's something specific the interviewer mentioned that you'd like some clarification on, it's advisable you prepare additional questions to ask your interviewer at the end of your interview. These questions can be anything about the company, ranging from; promotion opportunities or the culture of the workplace. When you ask a follow-up question, you're showing the interviewer that you were listening and also indicating interest to join them.

Thank the interviewer for their time - Take some time to thank your interviewer(s) for their time at the end of your interview and again also take it a notch further by sending a follow-up email to them. Mention your excitement at their consideration and make sure they know how interested you are in joining them soon.

TEAM HNJ - We understand how tiring the whole job application process can get, never give up! Take note of the following tips to help you navigate. Work on your connections, start early and prepare. Your application will pull through when the right opportunity arises. For more on Job Updates, visit