Eastside Hospital Job Vacancies (8 Positions)

Posted on Tue 27th Jun, 2023 - www.hotnigerianjobs.com --- (0 comments)

Eastside Hospital is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions below:

1.) Full Time Post-NYSC Doctor

2.) Part Time Post-NYSC Doctor

3.) Nurse

4.) Cleaner

5.) Laundry Attendant

6.) Pharmacy Assistant

7.) Accountant

8.) Lab Scientist

Location: Enugu

General Requirement

  • Candidates should possess relevant qualifications.

Application Closing Date
14th July, 2023.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications to: 
Eastside Hospital,
26 Ezillo Avenue,
Independence Layout,
Enugu State.

Note: Applicants will be informed of interview date and time.