International Agency / NGO / Multinational Job Opportunities - We (HNJ) are aware of the increasing need and high demand for jobs from International Agency, NGO (Local and international) and Multinational companies; thus, we have curated jobs done this week from these sectors:
1.) Malaria Consortium Job Recruitment (13 Positions)
2.) International Rescue Committee (IRC) Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
3.) African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Job Recruitment (33 Positions)
4.) Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
5.) Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN) Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
6.) Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Manager - Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
7.) Data Entry Officer - MENTOR Initiative
8.) Peer-to-peer Training Facilitators (Consultancy) - Grassroots Life Saving Outreach (LESGO)
9.) State Officer - HelpMum - 2 Openings
10.) Adviser on Cooperation and Cultural Action - The Embassy of France in Nigeria
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